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If you was to meet God!

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2015, 12:45
by wendy
If you was to come face to face with God, what would you say?

I think I would say sorry for the mess we have made of the world!

but what would you say?

Re: If you was to meet God!

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2015, 17:58
by annie
I have no idea, will have to give it some thought

Re: If you was to meet God!

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2015, 18:04
by JaneJ
My first would be sorry for doubting.

I would want to know what his plan was and other than the wars etc are we what he expected us to be?

Re: If you was to meet God!

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2015, 12:02
by wendy
thanks Annie and Jane for replying. I thought there would be more answers to this discussion.

Re: If you was to meet God!

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2015, 12:55
by coffee
Well Jane when Adam and eve sinned it was not our fault that they bought sin and death to mankind and god knew this that’s why out of love for us he provided Jesus to die for us and release us from the bondage of sin and death .
His purpose is to bring an end to all wickedness and restore the earth back to a paradise but it would be no paradise if man was still getting old , sick and dying so he purposes to restore man back to perfect health no more sickness , old age, and death just think!! a world where no wickedness prevails every one will be a friend plus having perfect health not getting up groaning etc and no sickness and death wonderful
I know this will happen we have read in his word many promises of his has come true and not one has never failed he even said the last days of the world we are living in will be like what it is now terrible and how man would dominate man so soon I know %100 that god going to step coffee