Participants needed for study on the impact of welfare refor

My name is Helen Foster, an MSc student from the University of Liverpool Online, researching the impact of welfare changes on the unpaid carers of disability benefit claimants. We are currently looking for people who look after, care or support unpaid for someone who due to disability, chronic condition and/or mental health issue currently claims or has claimed UK Department for Work and Pensions disability benefits (e.g. ESA, DLA/PIP) until they were reassessed.
To be eligible for this study you must be over the age of 18 and not diagnosed with any mental health issue.
To find out more and to take part please go to ... FcErQBh9id
To be eligible for this study you must be over the age of 18 and not diagnosed with any mental health issue.
To find out more and to take part please go to ... FcErQBh9id